Welsh Language Opportunities

LRC Training is grateful to Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for its leadership, investment and support in the development of Welsh language Learning Opportunities in Wales.

LRC Training is committed , where possible to provide training and learning opportunities in Welsh, and to encourage learners to use the Welsh skills they already have.


LRC Training employs Welsh speaking staff who are available to discuss Welsh and Bilingual learning with any learner.

All learners undertake Ein Iaith or Prentis Iaith online modules as part of their learning programme.

In apprenticeship delivery, learners undertaking any framework can have their reviews conducted through the medium of Welsh.

In JGW+ provision, staff have undertaken training in order to deliver some of the curriculum bilingually. All staff encourage the use of the Welsh Language in centres.

LRC Training engage with many employers who use and promote the Welsh Language on a daily basis and are able to access work placement opportunities in such environments if requested.

LRC Training are able to deliver the following qualifications in Welsh or bilingually:

  • Essential Skills Wales – Communication – level 1 and Level 2
  • Diploma in Business Administration – Levels 1-4
  • Diploma in Customer Service – Levels 2-3



Welsh Champions



01554 774121

[email protected]


07423 839139

[email protected]